World News

Un rehén estadounidense durante la crisis de Irán revive sus recuerdos de Jimmy Carter.

Rocky Sickmann tenía 22 años y era un marine estadounidense destacado en la embajada de Estados Unidos en Teherán, Irán, cuando él y 51 compatriotas fueron secuestrados por revolucionarios iraníes el 4 de noviembre de 1979.

"For the first 30 days I'm sitting in this room handcuffed and blindfolded, thinking the Vietnam war had just ended, and nobody cared about these thousands of veterans coming home," said the 67-year-old. "Who's going to care about the Iran hostages?"

He said that at the time, he wasn't even sure how much President Carter cared. It was a sentiment echoed by much of the American public. Many blamed Carter for his failure to bring the hostages home for over a year.